Upcoming events.

Conference 2024
Our annual conference is in-person this year with an online option! Join us for an inspirational day of hearing from speakers who will encourage and strengthen the vital role of motherhood.

Practical Parenting Course - Week 4
Week 4 of our Practical Parenting Course
Are you looking for encouragement and support on your parenting journey? Come and join other parents as you hear why parenting is so valuable.

Practical Parenting Course - Week 3
Week 3 of our Practical Parenting Course
Are you looking for encouragement and support on your parenting journey? Come and join other parents as you hear why parenting is so valuable.

Practical Parenting Course - Week 2
Week 2 of our Practical Parenting Course
Are you looking for encouragement and support on your parenting journey? Come and join other parents as you hear why parenting is so valuable.

Practical Parenting Course
Are you looking for encouragement and support on your parenting journey?
Come and join other parents as you hear why parenting is so valuable.
7:30pm - 8:45pm on Tuesdays (BST)
Online, via Zoom, four weeks: 30 April - 21 May
£25 (Mothers At Home Matter members: £15)
The course will be hosted by Anne Fennell, chair of Mothers At Home Matter.
Week 1: Hilary Wyatt - Children’s Mental Health and Schooling
Hilary Wyatt is interested in the impact that adult emotions have on young people and has given talks and written about ‘emotional contagion’. She will be offering practical advice to young parents about how to build emotional resilience in children.
Hilary has been teaching for over 30 years. She has worked in London prep schools for 15 years, eight as the Head of a pre-prep, and seven years as a Headteacher, and has taught children from Nursery age to A-level.
Hilary read English at university, has a Masters’ Degree in Education and an NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship). She has also worked with the ISI (the Independent Schools Inspectorate) since 2014. She has two grown-up daughters, and an adorable grandson.
Week 2: Anne Fennell - Early Years: love, nurture, value, and identity
Having a baby is life-changing. There is birth of new life but also a letting go of an old life and identity. We will look at some of the challenges, and how we can find support and nurture ourselves as well as our young children. The first few years of life are formative and critical developmentally. What happens and why is the role of parent so important?
Anne is a wife and mother of 6 sons. Whilst at home raising her children she has been active in the community, including running toddler groups, fencing & fellowship for young children, and drama groups for teenagers.
She is Chair of the campaigning and support group Mothers At Home Matter and more recently President of European Federation of Parents & Carers at Home which is a voice for parents wishing to be more at home for their children, and campaigns to remove the economic penalties which makes this choice so difficult for the majority.
Week 3: Liz Yeboah - The Joy of Teenagers
Liz will talk about:
1. The importance of parenting and being present for your children.
2. Setting up and preparing for the teen years. Adjusting our mindset and creating the vision.
3. Sharing a snippet of the process we used on our journey to finding joy in the teen years.
Liz is a home educator, mentor, wife and mother to five wonderful children. She and her family live in Buckinghamshire where they love to seek adventures and make precious memories. Her passions include homemaking and encouraging young women and young families.
Week 4: Edward Davies - And what about fathers?
Ed will discuss:
1. Why dads matter - stats and stories about the importance of father
2. Being intentional about fatherhood. Somebody will father your child, how do you ensure it is you?
3. Family relationship dynamics: improving family relationships, including with your partner
Edward has spent the last 15 years running fatherhood and parenting courses, including more than a decade facilitating antenatal courses for first-time dads in London hospitals.
He has worked in public policy as a journalist and government advisor, including seven years as a senior editor at the British Medical Journal, and as an expert advisor to four Health Secretaries. He is currently a director at a Westminster think tank specialising in social and family policy.

Conference 2023
Our annual conference is in-person this year with an online option — our first hybrid conference! Join us for an inspirational day of hearing from speakers who will encourage and strengthen the vital role of motherhood.

The Crisis of Childcare: Who’s holding the baby?
Battle of Ideas Festival Session
The Crisis of Childcare: Who’s holding the baby?
“The cost of childcare is a perennial sore spot for families. But in recent years, competition for places and spiralling prices have meant that many are finding nursery fees unaffordable – even when both parents are in full-time employment. While fans of the government have welcomed promises to extend funded childcare hours both in age and quantity, critics have pointed to a blind spot in plans: there simply aren’t enough places to care for more children.”
Come and listen to the panel, including MAHM’s Anne Fennell, discussing the place of childcare.

Economics Symposium 2023: Natural Taxation
Current taxation has a surprisingly detrimental effect on the wellbeing of families, especially in relation to benefits. Anne Fennell of Mothers at Home Matter will describe her findings and steps being taken to resolve this via parliament.
Sanctions and Universal Credit
We are grateful to have Izabel Bahia from Policy in Practice who has volunteered her time to help us understand the sanctions that are coming into force under Universal Credit.
We will be having a Zoom session with Izabel on 4th May at 8pm and would love for you to join us with all of your questions. She will explain the new sanctions being imposed after the budget in March.

Conference 2022
Our annual conference is online again this year. Join us for an inspirational day of hearing from a range of speakers who will encourage and strengthen the vital role of motherhood. Book your ticket now to join us — recordings available for ticket holders.

Regional Meet Up
Are you in the Essex, Hertfordshire or North London area? Come and meet other like-minded mothers over tea and coffee.

Conference 2021
Our annual conference is online this year. More details to follow but first save the date and book your ticket now to join us.

Mumversation - with Miriam Cates MP
Calling all members and friends…a chance to push for change. MPs want your views! Politics is led by public opinion and one of the key steps forward is to show there is an appetite for change. Share your views with Miriam Cates MP as MPs build a campaign to change family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system.

Mumversation - with Anne Fennell, Chair
Calling all members and friends…a chance to push for change. MPs want your views! Politics is led by public opinion and one of the key steps forward is to show there is an appetite for change. Share your views with Miriam Cates MP as MPs build a campaign to change family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system.

Mumversation - with Miriam Cates MP
Calling all members and friends…a chance to push for change. MPs want your views! Politics is led by public opinion and one of the key steps forward is to show there is an appetite for change. Share your views with Miriam Cates MP as MPs build a campaign to change family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system.

Developing Your Skills Whilst Raising the Next Generation
Often the skills developed whilst on a career break are either not recognised or undervalued. In this talk Ronnie Cloke Browne from Career Break People will explore the non-technical skills you develop whilst raising a family. Your improved awareness of these can help you to return to the (paid) workplace with confidence when the time is right for you.

Mothers Connect Group
Connect with other mothers, nourish your mind and heart, become inspired!
Katharine Boddy invites you to join her to look together at the key qualities of a mother from many angles to better understand the importance of the mother’s role for themselves, their family and their community, and also develop greater resilience to juggle the many demands of motherhood.

Pregnancy Connect Group
It is a tough time to be pregnant at the moment and we want to offer support to mums-to-be and create a group where they can share how they are feeling. The first group meeting will be on Zoom on Tuesday 9 February from 8-8.45pm led by MAHM committee member Lauren.

Managing Online Homeschooling
We are offering an online forum hosted by mother of six, Anne Fennell, for those who might be struggling with homeschooling or who would just like to share practical tips and advice and connect with other mothers going through the same journey.
This is a new world for many of us, some days may be good, others awful but we hope to support you.

WATCh Research into Children’s Brain Development
Parents have a vital role in brain building, learning from their baby to develop a strong infant parent attachment to build the baby’s brain. Join CareerBreakPeople and WATCh? to hear about the brain development of the child.

Stay a Happy Mama!
In this five week course for MAHM Members, Tamsin Abiola shares tips and tricks to make your motherhood journey easier and more enjoyable.

Conference 2020
Our annual conference is online this year. Book your ticket now to join us.

Mothers Connect Group
Connect with other mothers, nourish your mind and heart, become inspired!
Katharine Boddy invites you to join her to look together at the key qualities of a mother from many angles to better understand the importance of the mother’s role for themselves, their family and their community, and also develop greater resilience to juggle the many demands of motherhood.