Calling all members…a chance to push for change.
MPs want your views!
Danny Kruger and Miriam Cates are influential backbench MPs who work cross party to pursue a range of policy objectives. Family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system is something that they are particularly concerned about and they want to bring together likeminded organisations to launch a campaign dedicated to this cause.
This campaign will have its own website and the aim is to open up the debate about families in Westminster encouraging other MPs to engage in dialogue and to push for change particularly within the Treasury.
“Family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system is something that [Kruger and Cates] are particularly concerned about.”
Politics is led by public opinion and one of the key steps forward is to show there is an appetite for change. Miriam and Danny would like to hear the views of our members and friends. Miriam has offered to host a conversation asking simple questions: Why do you want to be at home raising your children? Why is it important? What have you had to sacrifice to do so? What are the obstacles? What could make it possible for mums/dads to be at home when their children are very young? If you are unable to be home why is this and what would be the ideal?
Mothers at Home Matter are holding three sessions for anyone who would like to be involved. Two will be hosted by Miriam and the evening event will be hosted by our Chair, Anne, for those who can’t make the daytime slots.
Add your voice! Join our conversation with Miriam Cates MP here:
Please make every effort to join one of the meetings. Your views are really important, whatever your age or circumstance. Please do pass on the invitation to anyone you know (mothers or fathers) who would like to take part. It is an exciting step forward for MAHM. It is the first time any MP has come to us actively wanting to push for change. Your views will count!