Together we have a voice.
Join us here today.
Our single membership fee for a year is £12.50 and our couple membership fee for a year is £15. Please click on the link below for membership. You can join via the PayPal link below, or you can contact us for details on how to pay by cheque or standing order.
Join the cause.
We are a non-profit organisation, funded entirely by membership fees and donations from individuals and run on the hard work of a small team of ordinary women who volunteer their time and enthusiasm.
Without our members suporting us, we would not be able to be a voice for choice and support.
MAHM also recognises the work of fathers at home undertaking the day to day caring role. Many of our campaign aims, such as fiscal fairness for single-earner families and the importance of valuing ‘time spent caring’ apply to fathers just as much as mothers.
Membership is open to mothers, fathers, grandparents, working parents, acadamics — anyone who supports our aims!
Together we are stronger. Please, join us today to help us wave the flag for choice!
Membership benefits:
Biannual, printed newsletter
Reduced tickets to our annual conference and AGM
Regular email member-only bulletins
10% off Life Coach sessions
30% off CareerBreakPeople courses
Opportunities for further involvement in campaigning and volunteering
Remember to join a local support group too!