Maternal mental health.
Mothers at Home Matter recognise that the transition to motherhood, whilst it brings joy and fulfilment, can also bring great challenges, doubt, loneliness and emotional difficulties.
Our Vice-President, Marie, sits on the committee of Maternal Mental Health Alliance.
Emily, our Mental Health Representative, tirelessly lobbies for recognition and support for mothers suffering postnatal depression through campaigns such as #ShoutieSelfie. She co-founded Happity, a website and app linking mothers together to address a key issue faced by many mothers: Loneliness. It is a project we are delighted to support.
Our local groups provide a forum where mothers can feel supported through the ups and downs of motherhood.
MAHM campaigns to enhance the status of those caring for children and warn against placing excessive expectations on women to ‘have it all’ during early motherhood.
Emily’s story.
Before motherhood I studied at Oxford University, worked as a Strategy Consultant and then spent nearly 5 years in Supply Chain Management at innocent drinks. But I found the transition from career girl to motherhood very difficult - feeling particularly lonely which, for me, led to crippling Post Natal Depression and Anxiety. I am now passionate about helping all mums to create a great support network locally to them.
Happity connect parents primarily through baby and toddler classes but also helps mum meet locally through support group such as MAHM local groups. I am also an advocate for maternal mental health, working tirelessly to reduce the stigma and raise awareness. I launched the #ShoutieSelfie campaign in May 2017 which was a great success. I’ve also created a number of videos including the brutally honest, ‘I Didn’t Love Him’.

Life Coaching 10% discount for MAHM members.
Emily Tredget is trained as a life coach specialising in helping mums maintain mental wellness by helping them to find balance within their family in a world where life is often so fast it passes by with lack of intention.
She has helped mums find their identity as a mum, overcome overwhelm, confidently return to work, as well as stop working to be with their families full-time.
Emily has kindly agreed to offer MAHM members a 10% discount. Contact Emily here for further details.
Useful links.
Maternal Mental Health Alliance.
The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is a charity and coalition of UK organisations. Their vision is to see all women across the UK get consistent, accessible, quality care and support for mental health during pregnancy and in the year after giving birth.
NCT Hidden Half Campaign.
It’s common for new mothers to suffer from postnatal mental illness, but only half receive the treatment they need. We are campaigning to change that.
Mothers Matter podcast.
Emily Tredget shares her experience of prenatal and postnatal depression (PND), outlining the devastating effect it had on her and her family and how she eventually managed to come through it. Emily’s experiances led her to set up the MummyLinks App, now Happity.
Petition to extend maternity leave.
This petition, debated in Parliament in October 2020, was about supporting families to have more certainty for their future during the stresses which Covid brought about. With many parents facing uncertainty about child-care options, and work stresses, a proposed key way to help was to extend maternity leave.