Conference 2023.


Conference replay.

Thank you for joining us for our annual conference. Our first hybrid conference was a huge success with super feedback. We hugely appreciate Becca Woollgar’s organisational skills that made the day run so smoothly — thank you, Becca and team!

We present all the talks to you here so that you can catch up with anything which you may have missed.


Welcome and Keynote Our keynote speaker this year is Kate Silverton — journalist, broadcaster. bestselling author and child therapist. Kate shares her thoughts on the themes of loss of identity in motherhood, how to handle the juggle and the struggle, and why the first few years are so crucial for future proofing our children’s mental health.

The Joy of Teenagers What is the intentional, forward-thinking approach to adopt with our teenagers? Liz Yeboah — educator, mentor, wife, and mother to five wonderful children — the deep-rooted stereotypes of the teen years and how to make the most of the teen years.


Women as Mothers — Dr Carole Ulanowsky (Cert Ed. Dip.FE. M.Ed. PhD) shares some of her PhD research: Women as Mothers – Changing Role Perceptions: An Inter-generational Study. Most of Dr Ulanowsky’s research and writing has had a focus on children, especially babies, and their development.

She has been involved in the work of What about the Children, an organisation who promote better public understanding about the importance of the emotional needs of children in their first three years.

Panel Questions & Answers


Sarah Douglas-Pennant, Honorary President

Updates and AGM A chance to hear what MAHM volunteers have been up to over the past year. Includes our AGM and updates on:

Campaigning (both grassroots and national levels)
Communications (website, social media, newsletter updates)
Support (local groups and conference team)
Policy and Research (our latest research on the impact of childcare)


Motherhood and Politics MAHM Chair Anne Fennell is joined by special guests to explore how Government policies could be more family-friendly.

Speakers include:
Leonard Beighton, Tax and the Family
Cristina Odone, Centre for Social Justice
Liz Jewkes, Lib Dem Federal Policy Board
Miriam Cates MP


Some of our conference feedback:

Liz [Yeboah] really helped me to be more intentional about motherhood.
Wonderful meeting like-minded mothers and having space to discuss and debate important issues around motherhood.
The speakers were so fascinating! Such a great choice!
Your best conference ever.
— Long-term member, Diana