Vulnerability & Care
“We all know of people who have been anxious and afraid because of the pandemic,” says Antonio Argandoña, “and we know from experience that we can be vulnerable and can suffer from harm or pain and be physically or emotionally damaged.“ The Emeritus Professor of Economics and Business Ethics at IESE Business School, Director at Home Renaissance Foundation and author, explains the importance of care at home.

Back to School
Judith Suckling left her career in television production when she had her first child. Now her two children are back at school, she writes about what she now does to fill her time in-between school runs.

Treasury Select Committee
MAHM’s contribution to the Treasury Select Committee’s ‘Tax after Coronavirus’ inquiry presented evidence to address the question: ‘Which areas of the tax system are most in need of reform?’
We focused specifically on income tax emphasising the pressing need for a fairer family taxation system. Our system of independent taxation is not fit for purpose for taxing families; it causes unfairness, injustice and even harm.

Early Years Commission
We were invited to submit our research evidence to the independent, cross-party Early Years Commission to build a consensus on the future of early years policy.
They stated that they would ‘draw on evidence’ but their focus was ‘on establishing consensus’ on existing proposed solutions. Our submission challenged current orthodoxy by stating that the optimum carer for a young child is its mother.

Taxation of Families
A report from Tax and the Family and CARE shows yet again that households with children continue to bear a heavier share of the income tax burden than they do in other countries and many face much higher marginal rates. Families with incomes below the poverty line can be paying large amounts of income tax.

‘Simplicity Parenting’ book review
Maria Lyons reviews the newly updated edition of Kim John Payne’s groundbreaking book, Simplicity Parenting.

Why I Stayed Home
Mother and solicitor, Claire Kenney, explains her decision to stay at home for her children.

‘Toxic Childhood’ book review
“Our consumer society leads us to believe that the more costly and complex an item is, the more its value – this is not the case with children.” A review of Sue Palmer’s book: Toxic Childhood

Volunteer Life
Imogen Thompson writes about the ups and downs of her time as a MAHM volunteer media spokesperson.

Lighting up young brains
“The salient conclusion of this report, for me, is the importance of parents interacting with their children. Being at home but on social media is not good parenting and will not give children the time together that they need to thrive.” Claire Paye