We need your stories!
Struggling families who have a parent at home caring for their children also need help. A fairer tax system which recognises the household income rather than individual income with tax breaks would go a long way to supporting such families.
Making child benefit fair so that the threshold of losing it is the same as families where both parents work is both just and necessarily to stop pushing families into poverty.
This affects so many hard working families — please help us share your story.
Real stories help highlight the need.

Please send us your story - we are happy to keep it anonymous - but we need to show that many of us want the choice to be available to care but it is being made so difficult. Please send them to socialmediamahm@gmail.com
Please also sign the petition to make child benefit fair and contact your MP.
Names in this story have been changed.
Mothers at Home Matter Call on the Government to:
Stop calling stay at home parents ‘economically inactive’. We are active and productive;
Find a way of measuring the valuable work we do. GDP does not count the quality and continuity of care and the emotional well-being and strength of the family unit;
Make child benefit fair — means testing (if necessary) should be based on the household income, not an individual’s earning;
Allow families the option of being taxed jointly with a transferable allowance in full or in part for a non-earning spouse;
Include the option of care by a parent in the £4 billion taxpayer funding of ‘childcare'.
Please join us and lend us your support.
Together we are stronger.
Further action?
Write to your MP! Visit our Campaign Resource page for information relating to writing to your MP.
There are quite a few benefits to being a Mothers At Home Matter member and your support is invaluable to help us to shout louder.
For more information about taxation:
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