Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Chair of Treasury Select Committee: Make Child Benefit Fairer & Simpler

Harriet Baldwin MP, Chair Treasury Select Committee, said on Woman’s Hour this week that her number one recommendation to the Chancellor for the Spring Budget would be to change the Child Benefit system.  This is a massive turnaround and exciting for MAHM who via Miriam Cates MP and in cooperation with Tax & the Family sent briefing papers to Harriet.

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Response to Miriam Cates’ post

Miriam Cates, a huge supporter of the invisible work done by mothers based at home, was slated by ‘Pregnant then Screwed’ amongst others yesterday with some of her comments taken out of context and misquoted.

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

House of Commons meeting

Mothers At Home Matter tackled the unfairness of the tax system today at the House of Commons with a presentation to MPs hosted by Miriam Cates MP. MPs were set five quiz points - which no one got the answers correct - the answers are quite staggering.

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Tax Reforms Needed

This past week Mothers at Home Matter joined Tax and the Family at an online event hosted by Miriam Cates MP and CARE on the Taxation of Families.

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Impact of Digital Technologies in the Home

Anne Fennell, our Chair, has been asked to speak on behalf of Mother At Home Matter alongside Miriam Cates MP and three other guests to speak about parenting in a digital age.

The event will explore the impact of social media, phones, gaming, new technology - the benefits and the harms and look at the importance of the home and of family life.

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Let’s push for change

Calling all members…a chance to push for change. MPs want your views! Politics is led by public opinion and one of the key steps forward is to show there is an appetite for change. Miriam Cates MP and Danny Kruger MP would like to hear the views of our members and friends. Family policy and the unfairness in the taxation system is something that they are particularly concerned about. Add your voice!

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Mothers At Home Matter Mothers At Home Matter

Supports grows for the Stay At Home Mother

Choosing to stay at home when your children are small should not be a privilege that only the rich can afford and should not be seen as an inferior or second best. On International Women’s Day, Miriam Cates MP reminded the House of Commons of the inequality of choice that many mothers face. For progress to continue we must enable women to have a genuine choice to spend more time at home if they want to including reforming our tax system to recognise family responsibilities.

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