Local Support Groups have launched!

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This spring we launched our new local groups to support mums in their vital role of raising children. The launch coincided with Maternal Mental Health week as we believe support of mothers is vital to help their mental health flourish.

These are initially and primarily support groups providing companionship, support and nourishment. In time, we hope that these groups will be able to help with our campaigning work but for now the focus is on care. 

Each local group has a life of its own to be able to respond to local needs and issues. Due to the current Coronavirus situation these groups will be meeting online via Zoom. The long-term vision is for these to be local groups of mums who regularly meet face to face.

All our group leaders are members of MAHM with access to a hub for advice on setting up a group, technical guidance if necessary, support and inspiration.

Many of our groups have had their first online meetings, or are scheduled in the diary in the next few weeks. You can view a full list of our groups on our website here. While we are meeting online we’re not limited geographically so it doesn’t matter if you’re a bit futher afield.

Please do get in touch with your nearest group leader if you’d like to find out more.


Annual Conference goes online


FEFAF 2019