Connect Group Launched

Katharine Boddy, mother of four, philosopher, secondary school librarian, former primary school teacher, and a long-term meditator, invites you to join her for an online mothers group.

The group will look together at the key qualities of a mother from many angles. Through open dialogue, mothers will better understand the importance of their role for themselves, their family and their community, and also develop greater resilience to juggle the many demands of motherhood. The topics discussed will be presented as open questions and the aim will not be to necessarily answer those questions but to expand on them and reflect on them in our day to day life as a process of discovery and enquiry.

Week 1: Nourishment: ‘keeping body & soul together’
Week 2: Acceptance and appreciation
Week 3: Purpose and meaning
Week 4: Resilience
Week 5: Measure and Balance

A five week course on Thursday evenings, 8-9pm, commencing September 24th.

£5 members, £10 non-members.


Happity blog about MAHM


Submission: Treasury Select Committee